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What Are Inlays and Onlays?

Inlays: These are used when the damage is within the indented top surfaces (cusps) of a tooth.

Onlays: These cover a larger area, extending over one or more cusps of the tooth.

Treatment Process at DermaDent:

⦿ Consultation and Examination: The process starts with a thorough dental examination to assess the extent of tooth damage.
⦿ Preparation: The damaged or decayed part of the tooth is removed.
⦿  Impression: An impression of the tooth is taken to create a custom inlay or onlay.
⦿ Fitting: Once the inlay or onlay is ready, it is bonded to the tooth with dental cement.


⦿ Strength and Durability: Inlays and onlays provide more strength and durability compared to traditional fillings.
⦿ Aesthetic Appeal: The dentist or oral surgeon will make an incision in the gum tissue to expose the tooth and underlying bone. If necessary, they may remove some bone to access the tooth.
⦿ Preservation of Tooth Structure: Less tooth structure needs to be removed compared to a full crown.

DermaDent in Pragathi Nagar, Kukatpally, Hyderabad offers specialized treatments for dental issues, including inlays and onlays. Inlays and onlays are restorative dental procedures used to repair teeth with moderate decay or damage that does not require a full crown. They are often used on molars or premolars to restore the tooth's structure and function.

Why Choose DermaDent?

DermaDent is renowned for its comprehensive dental care services. The clinic is equipped with state-of-the-art technology and staffed by skilled professionals. Their holistic approach ensures that patients receive personalized care tailored to their specific needs​ DermaDent

